[Complete Guide]HERMESA thorough explanation of the engraving, manufacturing year and list price of 2025 edition



    HERMESLeather products are engraved with an engraving indicating the year of manufacture, materials, and craftsman information. Understanding these engravings will help you to get a deeper understanding of the background and value of your product. In this article,HERMESWe will explain in detail the meaning of the engraving, how to determine the year of manufacture, engraving by material, and the latest list price information.

    HERMESWhat is the engraving of

    HERMESLeather products such as bags and wallets are engraved with engravings indicating the year of manufacture, the atelier, and the initials of the craftsmen. These engravings are the productHERMESWe also provide information on the year of manufacture and materials. In particular, the engraving for the year of manufacture is expressed as a combination of alphabets and symbols, and the form changes depending on the time of year.

    List of engravings indicating the year of manufacture

    HERMESThe manufacturing year stamps are expressed in different formats for each age group, as shown below.


    1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970
    T U V W X Y Z



    1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977


    1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984


    1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991


    1992 1993 1994 1995 1996



    1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
    🄰 🄱 🄲 🄳 🄴 🄵 🄶


    2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
    🄷 🄸 🄹 🄺 🄻 🄼 🄽


    2011 2012 2013 2014
    🄾 🄿 🅀 🅁



    2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
    T X A C D Y Z


    2022 2023 2024 2025
    U B W V

    Special engraving

    HERMESIn addition to engravings indicating the year of manufacture, products of the product are also engraved to indicate the materials and special products. Below are some of the main special engravings.

    What is the engraving that indicates the material?

    HERMESWe use certain engravings on products such as bags and wallets made from high-quality materials. These engravings are intended to identify the type of material,HERMESThis is an important point when identifying products.HERMESAmong the leather materials used by the company, the rare exotic leather is each marked with a different engraving.

    Crocodile Porosus "Λ"

    Polosus is considered the world's finest crocodile leather.OEAUIt is collected from the Saltwater Crocodile, a Japanese crocodile that lives in Stralia and some parts of Southeast Asia. The biggest feature of Polosus is that its scales are small and has beautiful, evenly patterned spots. It has a smooth texture, but it has just the right amount of firmness, and its luster increases over time.HERMESIt is considered to be one of the most expensive materials ofBirkinorKellyIt is often used for exotic leather designs.

    Crocodile Nilotticus "••"

    Nilotticus is a material made from Nile Crocodile leather and is primarily native to Africa. Compared to the Polosus, the scales are larger and gives a slightly wild impression. It's easier to get than a Polosus, so the price is a bit lower, but even soHERMESIt is classified as high-quality materials. It is popular with many exotic leather enthusiasts because it has a glossy, elegant and heavy feel.

    Alligator Mississippiensis "□"

    Alligators are made from crocodile leather that lives in the southern United States (mainly around the Mississippi River). Unlike crocodiles, the scales are characterized by their rounded shape, giving them a relatively soft feel. Alligator is a high-quality material on par with crocodile, and it has a more natural texture than Polosus and Nilotticus, making it a material that is easy to use even in casual situations.

    Lizard "-"

    Lizard leather is made from lizard leather from Southeast Asia and is characterized by finely tidy scale markings. Lizard's leather is extremely delicate and has a beautiful, shiny surface that is attractive, but it is not susceptible to water and friction, and requires careful handling. The lizard material isBirkinorKellyIt is not often used in a variety of cases, and is often used in compact wallets, small items, or bags with special designs.

    OtherSpecial engraving of

    HERMESIn addition to engravings indicating the material, there are also special engravings that can be used to help you understand the background of the product. These engravings are only given to products manufactured and sold under certain conditions,HERMESThis is an important point in determining the product value.

    Horseshoe engraved

    meaning:Personal order(Special order)

    HERMESSo for some customersPersonal orderWe offer a custom-made service called (Personal Order, commonly known as PO). thisPersonal orderProducts ordered in"Horseshoe Mark"(Horseshoe-shaped engraved) will be engraved.Personal orderIn this case, customers can freely choose the material of the bag, color combination, metal fittings, etc., allowing them to create unique designs that are not found in the regular lineup. Products with horseshoe engravings are unique and unique in the world.HERMESIt has high value as a bag.

    Star mark engraved

    meaning:HERMESSpecial products for stakeholders

    Star mark engraving (star engraving) isHERMESThis is an engraving only given to products specially manufactured for employees and stakeholders. These products are considered extremely rare as they are not available in the general market and cannot be obtained through regular sales channels. Star mark stampedHERMESProducts are rarely found on second-hand markets.

    "S" engraved

    Meaning: Sold (Sale)

    HERMESThe "S" engraved on a product sold as a sale item (sold item).HERMESBasically, they do not hold large sales at regular price points and usually do not hold major sales. However, once a year, a private sale is held for those involved, and products sold at that time are marked with an "S" engraved.
    Sold products are normalHERMESAlthough they have the same quality as the product, they may be on sale due to changes in older models or color variations.

    HERMESThe benefits of knowing the engraving of

    HERMESUnderstanding the engraving of the product will not only help you understand the material and background of the product, but it will also help you identify genuine products and determine the market value. Especially exotic leatherPersonal orderAs rarity changes depending on the engraving of items, etc., it is extremely important to check the engraving when purchasing.


    HERMESList of list prices


    material Birkin 25 Birkin 30 Birkin 35 Birkin 40
    Togo ¥1,881,000
    (February 2025)
    (February 2025)
    (February 2025)
    (February 2025)
    Torillon Clemence ¥1,881,000
    (February 2025)
    (February 2025)
    (February 2025)
    (February 2025)
    Epson ¥1,969,000
    (February 2025)
    (February 2025)
    Swift ¥1,969,000
    (March 2025)
    (March 2025)
    alligator ¥8151000
    (March 2025)
    (March 2025)
    Porosus ¥938000
    (March 2025)
    (March 2025)
    (March 2025)
    (March 2025)
    Niroticus ¥6,390,000 ¥9460000
    (March 2025)
    (March 2025)
    (March 2025)
    OEAUStritch ¥3652000
    (March 2025)
    (March 2025)



    material Kelly 25 Kelly 28 Kelly 32 Kelly 35 Kelly 40
    Togo ¥1,859,000
    (February 2025)
    (February 2025)
    (February 2025)
    (March 2025)
    (March 2025)
    Torillon Clemence ¥1,859,000
    (February 2025)
    (February 2025)
    (February 2025)
    - -
    Epson ¥1,947,000
    (February 2025)
    (February 2025)
    (March 2025)
    (March 2025)
    Swift ¥1947000
    (March 2025)
    alligator ¥8129000
    (March 2025)
    (March 2025)
    (March 2025)
    (March 2025)
    Porosus ¥9229000
    (March 2025)
    (March 2025)
    (March 2025)
    Niroticus ¥8063000
    (March 2025)
    (March 2025)
    (March 2025)
    OEAUStritch ¥3212,000



    material Bolide 27 Bolide 31 Bolide 1923mini Bolide 1923 25
    Togo ¥1,221,000
    Torillon Clemence ¥1,562,000
    (February 2025)
    ¥807,400 ¥986,700
    Epson ¥1,155,000
    (February 2025)
    (February 2025)
    OEAUStritch ¥1,914,000



    material Picotin lock PM 18 Picotin lock MM 22 Picotin lock GM 26 Picotin lock TGM
    Torillon Clemence ¥537,900
    (February 2025)
    (February 2025)
    alligator ¥2,094,000
    Niroticus ¥3,124,000
    Porosus ¥4,917,000
    OEAUStritch ¥1,331,000



    material B?arn soufflet Kelly wallet long Kelly wallet to go Constance long
    Epson ¥605,000
    (February 2025)
    ¥677,600 ¥1,003,200
    (February 2025)
    (February 2025)
    Chevre ¥694,100
    alligator ¥2,365,000 ¥3,157,000 ¥3,157,000
    (December 2024)
    OEAUStritch ¥1,061,500